A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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VINYL is a shot rhythm game that we live-coded, live-designed, live-tested at Lisbon Games Week '17. 
Every visitor who play-tested  the game at the event is  in its credits.

How to Play 
- download the version you want to play  
- unzip the downloaded file  
- run the aplication

Inputs (controller): 
- left upper trigger to move 
- buttons to shoot (Playstation controller: 'X', 'Cículo', 'Quadrado') (Xbox controller: 'A', 'B', 'X').

We recommend the use of a controller to play VINYL. 
If however, that is not possible you can use the debug keyboard inputs: 
- '1', '2', '3' as buttons 
- space bar as left upper trigger


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

v2018 | Windows, Playstation Controller 98 MB
v2018 | macOS, Playstation Controller 101 MB
v2018 | Linux, Playstation Controller 102 MB
v2018 | Windows, Xbox Controller 98 MB
v2018 | macOs, Xbox Controller 101 MB
v2018 | Linux, Xbox Controller 102 MB
v2017 Day-4 | Windows, Xbox Controller 96 MB
v2017 Day-3 | Windows, Xbox Controller 96 MB
v2017 Day-2 | Windows, Xbox Controller 77 MB
v2017 Day-1 | Windows, Xbox Controller 31 MB
Day-0 v2017 | Windows, Keyboard 27 MB
Source | v2018 653 MB
if you pay $5 USD or more